Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Pinched nerve

Yesterday, I went to the doctor and he diagnosed I have a pinched nerve in my hip which is causing the pain in the hamstring and thigh of my right leg. So he set up an appointment for today to go get a cortisone shot which should help relieve the pain. He did not specify if I should run or not so I am just going to see what the shot does for me and go from there. Hopefully, I will be out running soon.


  1. man...your nerve has got some nerve! I mean really...the nerve of that nerve to be pinched like that!... get better soon. You have 102 days until Eastern States and 185 days until Mt. Wash....

  2. I only have 12 hours until a truckload of bedding arrives.

  3. I'd help you but I can barely lift my own arse out of bed, let alone bedding itself...

  4. You need a real good massage therapist, after all, cortisone is only temporary, it doesn't solve the problem. And like Jimmy says, it is only 185 days til the rockpile.

  5. The doctor did not give me the cortisone shot, but instead recommended PT. He took XRays and they came out negative so there is no fracture which is good. He told me not to run until I give it time to get better. No # of weeks off specifically but he did recommend NOT to run. I am going to give it a week and begin PT asap and hopefully the leg will feel better soon:)

  6. I hope you're back to full strength soon. This is one of the first times I've visited your site. I put you on my blog list. BTW, nice PR's.

  7. Hey Dave, not sure I understand - a pinched nerve in your back? How far down your leg/thigh does the pain go?

    Was the shot going to be into your back (spine) or somewhere else?

    Regardless of the dx, PT is the best thing to try initially, IMHO. Best to deal with someone who is used to athletes.

    Hope you get better soon - I can certainly empathise with the injury thing!

  8. Sully,
    Since you are a doctor I admit to being a bit ignorant to the human anatomy but the pinched nerve was not easy to locate. The doctor explained that it could be in the back or hip area. He did not want to give me a shot but did recommend PT. I decided to rest for three days after the initial pain and I was lucky that the pain decreased and my legs began to feel better so i started with an easy 20 minute jog on Wednesday and the past two days went 8 and 10. I am up in the air on PT because my legs feel good. thanks for the input. Talk to you later
